Candidate bill of rights

We believe good candidates are attracted to good technical assessments.

See why hundreds of developers have given Woven a 5-star review on G2.

Woven is a developer-driven movement

Our commitment to an exceptional candidate experience drives everything we do. Check out some of the uncompromisable actions we take to put you, the developer, first. 👇 

💡 Real work. No Leetcode. No BS code quizzes.

Woven cares about your experience taking our work simulations. We believe engineers do their best work when technical vetting looks like what you’ll really do on the job. Think code review, debugging, and system architecture challenges.

⏰  Short, timed scenarios.

It sucks to spend days on a project for a company you don’t work for. Especially when your current commitments put you at a disadvantage if you don’t have the time to spend.

Our short, time-boxed scenarios put you on an even playing field with every other candidate.

📝 Detailed feedback, every time.

It also sucks to work hard on something and not hear anything back. Every candidate who takes a Woven work sim receives detailed feedback to help you get better.

2,600 engineers gave Woven’s feedback a 4.8/5.

👨‍💻 Scored by our engineers — fast.

Every Woven work sim is double-blind scored by certified human engineers on a detailed rubric. The same work gets the same score, every time. And 98% of the time we turn around your feedback in one business day.

📊 Benchmarked by the team.

Your Woven performance will be benchmarked against your future teammates. They took the same work sim as you and were scored the same way! That’s what makes your scores meaningful — real life context.

💎  Your concerns matter.

Our rigor makes us consistent, but not infallible. If you think something looks wrong with your feedback, you can appeal to our team. We’ll be happy to take another look.

"This is the fairest interview I've ever done. It gave me a chance to showcase my strengths as a candidate, and made me feel a lot more at ease than some of my past interviews."
Woven Candidate

Looking for Your Next Role?

Woven has helped thousands of talented engineers find new opportunities. Just take our work sim and we’ll do the rest.

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